This section will cover:
- Introduction
- Table Hierarchy Navigation
- Drag and Drop with Hierarchies
- Search Function with Hierarchies
- ‘Select All’ with Hierarchies
- Knowledge Check
The learning objectives for this page are:
- How to find and add the variables you need for your table
When in Table View of Stat-Xplore, if your table includes a hierarchical field, you can navigate the hierarchy within the table itself. By default, Stat-Xplore allows you to add items from different levels in a hierarchy to a table at the same time.
For example, with the Universal Credit National - Regional - LA - OAs field, you can add a mix of Countries and Regions to the table:
You may have fields in your data that are represented as hierarchies. For example, in the People on Universal Credit dataset, the 'National - Regional - LA - OAs' field contains a hierarchy of several levels, with 'Country' at the top level, down to 'Census Output Area' at the lowest level:
Table Hierarchy Navigation
To navigate inside your table, you can for example:
Click any of the underlined field items to navigate down through the hierarchy. In this case, click into the ‘Great Britian’ field list.
- This results in Stat-Xplore showing you the next level of the hierarchical field down consecutively as seen below.
If you would like to navigate upwards of the hierarchy, you can use the ‘<<’ button. For example:
- Click the ‘<<’ button next to the row or column heading to navigate up the hierarchy.
- This results in Stat-Xplore showing you the next level of the hierarchical field down consecutively as seen below.
Drag and Drop with Hierarchies
Another function you can use when navigating through the hierarchy of the field list is dragging and dropping. When dragging and dropping, you can choose whether you want to add the item you are dragging or the attached fields below that are of a lower hierarchy. This will depend on where you click to start dragging.
For example:
- If you drag name of the field ‘England’,
- Only the field ‘England’ will be added to your custom bespoke table.
- If you drag from the ‘Select all at level’ button,
- The field that you have chose adds to the attached fields below that are of a lower hierarchy to your table.
Search Function with Hierarchies
If you have come into Stat-Xplore with a specific vision for your custom bespoke table and know what fields you would like to put in, the search function can be very helpful to narrow down what you want.:
To use the search function,
- Simply search for the variable/field you want in your table by typing it in the bar in the bottom left-hand corner.
Search Function with Hierarchies
When picking the variables needed for you custom bespoke table, if you need to quickly select all values at a particular level in a hierarchical field, you can use the ‘Select all at level’ button.
For example:
- Pick the option/field/variable that you want to click on the arrow sign next to the ‘i’ information logo.
- In the drop-down menu, select the level you would like to apply to your custom bespoke table. In this example, the ‘Census Output Area’ field has been selected under the hierarchy:
Further Questions
If you still have any questions that are not answered in the guide, please feel free to email
Check your Knowledge!
Navigate to the dataset ‘Support for Mortgage Interest’ and the data cube ‘SMI Loans in Payment’ and open the table ‘SMI Caseload 1 - Region’. For the quarter of Nov 2023, what is the total for the National – regional by Quarter?