Dataset: People on Universal Credit

Field: Month


The monthly number of people on Universal Credit includes all individuals who have an open claim on the count date for the month.

Some people will have their claim terminated either at the request of the individual or if their entitlement to Universal Credit ends. If a termination is recorded, but the person is still receiving a payment, then the claim will still be classed as live at the end of each reporting month.

The latest month's figures are provisional and are subject to change in the next publication where they will be revised and finalised. Monthly figures are currently not subject to retrospection beyond the first revision.


Applicable to: all months from April 2013 to the latest available month.

The number of categories will increase each month with the addition of the latest monthly release.

Quality Statement

The latest two months are marked with (r) and (p), which represent revised and provisional respectively. The latest month is provisional and will be subject to revision in the following release. It is expected that the provisional figure will be within two percent of its revised figure.

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