Database: Households on Universal Credit

Field: Split Payment Indicator


A couple type household can request to have their payment split between both members via a Split Payment Alternative Payment Arrangement (APA). This variable indicates how many payments were split for each month.

For the indicator to be shown as 'Yes', the household must have a Split Payment Alternative Payment Arrangement in place, the claim must be in payment, and payment data must show that both partners were paid, on the same day, for the assessment period that covers the count date.


Applicable to: All Households with a family type of 'Couple'

The Split Payment indicator field can take the following values:

Total number of categories: 2

Quality Statement

Households with this arrangement have been identified by observing whether a Split Payment APA is recorded on the Universal Credit Full Service system (UCFS). The proportion given to each claimant within a household is not recorded within this data.

During rollout of Universal Credit, the types of claims accepted varied for different regions. This led to regional differences in the number of claims with split payments. As such, figures from before December 2018 (when rollout was complete) should be carefully considered before any inferences are drawn around geographical differences in the proportion of claims involving direct payment to a landlord.

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