Dataset: Disability Living Allowance (Cases in Payment)

Field: Gender


This field shows the gender of the individual at the time of claim.


Applicable to: all claimants:

    - Male

    - Female

    - Unknown

Total number of categories: 3

Quality Statement

In support of the claim, proof of identity must be provided for the claimant, for example, National Insurance number. It is possible that errors can occur in the recording of gender (both on the form and inputting onto the computer system during the processing of the claim).

In order to make our statistics as accurate as possible, from February 2020 this field has been checked and verified using the Customer Information System database. The Customer Information System (CIS) is a computer system used by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to store basic identifying information such as gender, addresses, dates of birth, National Insurance numbers and so on.

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