Dataset: Children in Low Income Families
Field: Work Status of the family
RAPID provides weekly views of income and hours worked from employment and self-employment over the tax year. For the purposes of these statistics, "in-work" status is defined as a family that have an accumulated period of at least 26 weeks paid employment or self-employment within the 52 week tax year. Employment activity is accumulated from either (or both) the adult claimant of Child Benefit and any partner(s) in the tax year.
The following Family Types are available:
Total number of categories: 2
Quality Statement
RAPID provides weekly views of income and hours worked from employment and self-employment over the tax year but assumptions have been made about defining in in-work family based on 26 weeks of accumulated employment in the year. The latest year statistics are badged as Provisional and are likely to be revised in the next annual Release. Statistics for earlier years may be subject to revision pending methodological improvements and changes to source data.